Promote Your App

For your apps's success promoting your app is essiential.

INSIDE recommands the following options:

Smart-Banner for iOS devices on website and online-catalogue

Highly recommanded and extremly effective as all persons visitng your website with an mobile iOS device (iPhone or iPad) are directly notified by a small banner on top of the safari browser window that an app is available for your event. Implementation is very easy and can be done in 5 minutes.




Ho to implement:

To add a Smart App Banner to your website, include the following meta tag in the head of each page where you’d like the banner to appear:

INSIDE auto generates your smartbanner meta tag for you, to copy it in your clipboard got to: App Manager > Publication > Scroll to bottom of page.


If possible include a visual of the app (ask INSIDE via Service Desk).

Always include a link to the landing page.


Very effective as most of your visitors are reached directly.

If possible include a visual of the app (ask INSIDE via Service Desk).

Always include a link to the landing page.


Post repeatetly your app on your facebook page.

Use the most important features as topics for several posts.

If possible include a visual of the app (ask INSIDE via Service Desk).

Always include a link to the landing page.


Post repeatetly your app on your twitter account.

Use the most important features as topics for several posts.

If possible include a visual of the app (ask INSIDE via Service Desk).

Always include a link to the landing page.

Printed-Flyer on fair-grounds

INSIDE provides you with a print-ready file, just open a request on the Service Desk.

Poster on fair-grounds

INSIDE provides you with a print-ready file, just open a request on the Service Desk.