Communicate via Service Desk

Service Desk is the main tool for all communication during app production and operation between the customer, INSIDE and 3rd-party organisations.

Try to use Service Desk for all communications and minimise communication via email or telephone.


Service Desk allows you to:

  • create requests upon predefined request types
  • comment on requests
  • receive comments from INSIDE on requests
  • upload files
  • track request status
  • share requests with other people within your organisation
  • define approvers requests
  • approve and reject requests

Rules & Best Practices

For using Service Desk efficiently respect the following rules:

  • try to use Service Desk for all communications and minimise extra communication via email or telephone so everything stays in one place
  • when creating a request read the request type description carefully and choose the correct request type
  • when creating a request as title don't only use one word instead write a short sentence stating what you wish to accomplish with this request, e.g. "Exhibitor should appear in app" or "App should not abort when using the map". The title should contain all critical information and make it clearly distinguishable from other requests.
  • never use a single request for several topics but create instead for every topic a separate request
  • try to collect all information regarding the request within the request, such as files, notes from a call, explanations and information from other people
  • control your requests status - all requests that are "Waiting for customer" are waiting for your activity
  • Service Desk will send you emails when somebody comments on a request you are following. DON'T reply to this email directly but always open the request detail page and comment there
  • use Service Desk in English or German


Service Desk is available here:

Service Desk is accessible for invited customers only.

If you need an invitation write an email to:

State your name organisation and the project you want to join.